
The best migration solutions

All Visa helps you with the documentation and the complete process for visas and residence permits, which will provide you with the tranquility necessary to feel at home safely.


We make the whole process easier, so that you can make better use of your valuable time.

All Visa is a consultancy specializing in all stages of migration, we provide visa services and the necessary documentation regarding the entry and stay of migrants in Brazil, as well as in leaving the country.


Residence permits for foreigners for working purposes
  • with or without employment relationships;
  • for technology transfer.
Residence permits for work for seafarers

Whether seafarers aboard cruise ships along the Brazilian coast or on foreign-flagged vessels, as well as for seafarers on platforms.

Residence permits for administrators, managers or executives of companies based in Brazil

For companies that wish to obtain residence permits for immigrants, these being administrators, managers, directors or executives with management powers in Brazil.

Residence permits for investors

Residence Permits for Investors: individual immigrant wishing to invest in a legal entity in Brazil.

Temporary visas and residence permits for the practice of religious activities

Brazil attracts more and more migrants interested in religious practice in the country, the whole process is fast and transparent.

Prior residence permits to implement sports or artistic activities

Authorization for migrants who wish to reside in the country in order to implement artistic or sporting activities, such as participating in exhibitions, shows or sporting competitions.

Temporary visas or residence permits for research, teaching or academic extension

Temporary visas or residence permits for research, teaching or academic extension for scientists, researches, professors and foreign professionals who intend to come to Brazil.

Residence permits for professional athletes.

Residence permits for professional athletes who want to become legal in Brazil.

Legalization of foreign documents

In order to be accepted in Brazil, foreign documents must go through a legalization process. We have a deep knowledge of those legal procedures.


The Apostille is an authentication issued under the terms of the Hague Convention, and ensures that a national public document has validity and effectiveness abroad.


The Naturalization of a Foreigner consists of the act by which a person voluntarily acquires a nationality different from his or her origin.

Legalização de documentos estrangeiros

Para serem aceitos no exterior, a maioria dos documentos precisam passar por um processo de legalização, evitando fraudes e também assegurando a autenticidade do documento emitido.


Communication Channels

Rua Tenente Gomes Ribeiro, 57, cj. 86
04038-040 – Vila Mariana – São Paulo – SP

+55 (11) 91402-2346

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